Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Perry County History Museum

The Perry County History Museum is one of three museums in the city of Marion.  It is located in the old Female Seminary Building that was built in 1850.  In 1984, the Perry County Historical and Preservation Society took ownership of the building which had been vacant for several years. Gradually, the process of restoring the various rooms began, the auditorium being one of the first rooms to be restored.  In the early 1990's the former classrooms were tackled. 

In the process of restoration, one of the Board members, Dr. Paul Reitzer, felt that it would be a good idea to start a museum that would occupy five of the classrooms and thus, also, preserve historical material related to Perry County.   Dr. Reitzer, no stranger to museums, had visited museums in his multiple travels and studies in the United States and Europe, and had started two museums in South Carolina before coming to Marion. 

In gathering fixtures and items for the museum rooms, he collected most of them by purchasing and donating them from travels to flea markets, antique malls, estate sales, and auctions.  Consequently, for instance, old school type light fixtures came from places such as the Dozier Hardware building, Newbern Baptist Church, and stores in Selma and Mississippi.  Display cases were bought from the old Dozier Hardware, First Christian Church of Selma, a former store owned by the Gayles on Highway 5, and an old store in Newbern. Most recently, several items have been donated by area folks and are so noted with the items. 

While items were purchased from all over the country, Dr. Reitzer tried to collect items that resembled ones that most likely existed in early Perry County.  In the main downstairs room are examples of Perry County pottery, drugstore items, old pictures of Marion stores and schools, two hand-made quilts, and memorabilia related to schools and personalities.  

Upstairs, in the former chemistry lab, are several military items in one cabinet ( limited so as not to compete with Marion Military's Museum), a cabinet with old projectors, a glass bottle display showing a brief history of bottles, a display of Chemistry lab equipment, a few toys and a chair from the old Bonita Theater.  

The next room features hand tools, hand machines like vegetable, meat, and coffee grinders, cream separators, hand saws, and cultivators. 

The next room features railroad items, automobile related appliances, household items ( toasters, waffle irons, beaters) children's dishes, wooden wash machines,  and baking supplies.  

The fifth room features items from surrounding Perry County communities  (Heiberger, Newbern, Uniontown, Felix-now Suttles, Perryville, Sprott )  an assortment of hand irons, shoes, sewing kits, street lights, and a weaving loom. 

Two of the rooms have been dedicated to former Historical Society Board Members who played a large part in its history:  Virginia Moore and Mildred Woodson.  Space has been reserved in the hallway upstairs to commemorate one of Perry County's leading authors:  Mary T. Brown.  The display features her desk, her chair, and several pictures related to her. 

The museum is open during the Society's December Tour of Homes, on scheduled evening events, on Perry County High School Alumni Day, and by special appointment.  

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